These are my hair accessories....most of them at least :) not including mini hats and bigger Alice head bows
My jewelry for lolita, this is most of it, some of it happens to be packed/ MIA
A poison sugar skirt :) Its really heavy, but i like it :)
This is one of my homemade skirts, it isnt A-line or cupcake shaped, kind of inbetween, but it looks really nice
This is my other home made skirt, I really like this one. It was my first really good sewing project. It is cupcake. I love it because it is simple and sweet
My last skirt, and Bodyline piece. I love it, although it IS a bit short. too bad Im not the height of an Asian
An off brand blouse. I got it second hand so I dont know what exactly it is from, the tag is unrecognizable either.
My only brand. A BtSSB blouse <3
My first piece. Sorry the picture was bad, honestly I was having a rough time getting a good one ><
This is probably my favorite piece, I really love it and it fits so snug <3
I really love this bodyline piece. If fits real nice, however the sleeves arent at all adjustable and squeeze my arms a bit...
The most recent addition to my collection. I absolutely ADORE this piece!
I get so many compliments for it #I<3SAILOR
And finally, my sweet/pirate hybrid piece...coordinating really hard to be honest
Thats all I will show you all today! I will get into accessories at a later time :)